Sermon: Establishing Our Hearts Before Christ's Return


Given 16-Sep-23; 69 minutes


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Military commanders require intense preparation before deploying forces into combat. God's first fruits are being prepared for a crucial conflict in which resurrected saints will follow Jesus Christ to permanently establish the Kingdom of God, a pivotal change when the government of God will forever destroy the government of carnal man (the horrible Babylonish system) under the rule of Satan. We will, like our forebears, find it difficult to exercise patience and endurance, developing the mindset of a patient farmer waiting for a crop to emerge. James emphasizes the cultivating of patience five separate times in that passage, suggesting that this may represent a capstone of saintly character, encompassing long-suffering, forbearance, diplomacy, and self-restraint, qualities absent today. We must learn to develop steadiness, stability, and firmness under trial, strengthening our hearts to remain loyal to God unconditionally, keeping our hearts with all diligence, as had the heroes of faith highlighted in Hebrews 11. Sadly, as evil ascends as the norm in our society, we struggle maintaining faith that a Romans 8:28 solution will ever occur. We must realize that our calculations of time and God's calculation of time are different. We must maintain our responsibility of getting our hearts fortified with godly love, benefiting others through shared help, inspiration, and encouragement through continuous fellowship. Waiting for Christ involves a careful balance between working diligently and developing a relationship with Our Lord.

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