Sermon: Displaying Gentle and Patient Conduct


Given 15-Jul-23; 66 minutes


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Largely as a result of Covid-19, people have been conditioned to avoid contact with others, but even before the pandemic, people were engaging in rude behavior, venting anger and hostility through social media. Etiquette and manners have been ridiculed as something for the snobbish elite. Americans are losing contact with etiquette and manners, feeling that elites practice it out of insincerity and not with any genuine motive. But just as the Pharisees hypocritically obeyed the letter of the law, and etiquette manuals concentrated on surface behaviors, God's people must follow the spirit of the law also, being humble, sincere, and gentle, esteeming others before themselves. If we do not have these characteristics, we can hardly boast that we are God's chosen. Our Lord cautions us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves, creatures which seem to carry themselves with simplicity and unconsciousness of self. When humans are crowded together in communities, good manners and morals enable them to move among one another without collision. Manners, laws, and morals are inseparable permanent ingrained principles designed by Almighty God. Without God's Holy Spirit the world is insane, but with God's Holy Spirit, the chosen saints can exercise the gentle, peaceable, practical wisdom from above (James 3: 13, 17, 18) enabling them to exercise strength under control. When God makes us complete, we are deficient in nothing. In the meantime, God's saints must never give up the struggle against toxic carnal nature.

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