Sermon: Titus (Part Three): Rebuking False Teachers

Ridding the Church of False Doctrine

Given 02-Oct-21; 75 minutes


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Ancient Crete and modern Israel share many despicable traits, including duplicity, lust for sex, strong drink, and food. The apostle Paul commissioned Titus to put things in order in Crete, ordaining trustworthy elders who were blameless, exercised self-control, and were faithful in their duties. Because of so much insubordination in the local congregations, subject to no authority, full of meaningless and senseless talk, distracting the overseer from getting things done, Titus had his work cut out for him. Crete was beset with Jews wanting to take the congregations back to the ritual laws of Judaism or philosophies Gnosticism, hedonism, asceticism, all having the desire to take over and control the lives of God's chosen saints. Paul sternly warned Titus to stifle these dangerous would-be interlopers, stopping their foolish mouths. Because of the many troublemakers, Paul instructed Titus that he had to be a hardhead, focusing on the truth of the Gospel and expunging the foolish manmade myths and traditions. Similarly, God's people today are inundated with media having both good and evil messages. As Paul waned the Timothy about the danger of science falsely so-called or the Colossians against the danger of deceptive worldly philosophy, we face the same challenges today, especially from antinomian Protestant theologians who deliberately twist Paul's passages such as Titus 1:15, claiming that now it is okay to eat pork and shrimp. These misguided theologians fail to factor in the necessity that it had to be sanctified with the Word of God, which does NOT do away with the clean and unclean laws. Jude warns about these reprobate, rebellious false teachers, warning God's chosen saints to keep their arms wrapped around the trunk of the tree.

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