Sermon: Zephaniah (Part One): The Day of the Lord Is Near!

A New Axial Period Has Begun

Given 07-Sep-21; 87 minutes


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German Philosopher Karl Jaspers describes a definitive period of time from the eighth century to the third century BC as an axial period, in which events suddenly rotated to a new configuration in which new ways of thinking about things displaced former accepted and traditional ways, as one empire implodes and is brutally replaced by another power. Jaspers, though a confirmed agnostic, recognized it as an act of divine intervention America has been going through an axial period for decades, in which evil parasitic, 'progressive' leftist influences, evidently a curse from Almighty God for Israel's incessant sinning against His Holy laws are bringing on Jacob's trouble, prior to horrible cataclysmic events of the Day of the Lord. God's people, in this axial period are going through some grave testing, including brutal tyranny from state and federal government, lockdowns, food shortages, as well as persecution and martyrdom of God's people. Zephaniah (whose name means, 'concealed by God') graphically describes the horrendous Day of the Lord, the culmination of the seven trumpets and the seven vials described in Revelation 11:15-19, after which Christ will return in full power and authority. Zephaniah was a cousin of Josiah and was part of the royal family, possibly assisting him in the reforms against Manasseh's apostasy and idolatry. Zephaniah's prophecy of judgment is against the whole world, but sharply focused on Judah and Jerusalem because they should have known better. The inhabitants of Jerusalem are ordered to hush and keep silent, assessing the consequences of their sins, adopting heathen customs, adopting foreign (anti-God) ways of life. Just as the Death angel passed over the children of Israel, the executioners in Ezekiel 9:1-4, are commanded to go through the midst of the city, setting a mark upon those who sigh and cry over the abominations.

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