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Anger: Spiritual Drano®

'Ready Answer' by David F. Maas

Anger is often thought to be a negative emotion, but the Bible shows that anger can be used for good purposes. We can use godly anger to flush sin out!

The Goodness and Severity of God (Part Two)

'Prophecy Watch' by Charles Whitaker

God seems to display irreconcilable contradictions, such as great wrath and deep compassion. Yet these are not contradictory traits but rigorous responses.

The Wrath of God

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Love motivates the two intrinsic parts of God's holy character—goodness and severity, as He seeks to rescue humanity from the consequences of sin.

The Goodness and Severity of God

Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)

On the heels of destruction will come the forces of reconciliation. The forces of destruction and construction will appear to be virtually simultaneous.

Hidden Anger (Part One)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

'Of the seven deadly sins, anger is possibly the most fun. To lick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past, to roll over your tongue the ...'

Clouds (Part Two): God's Cloud as His Chariot

'Prophecy Watch' by Charles Whitaker

God's cloud expresses His glory because of His presence in it. His 'portable throne' in Ezekiel 1 and 10 is likewise linked to 'a great cloud.'

Would Our God Do That?

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The distorted perception of Jesus as an effeminate and ineffective Savior fails to understand that He is the so-called stern God of the Old Testament.

God's Wrath and Hell

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Oblivion, not eternal torment in hell fire, is the merciful end for the wicked. God is both good and severe, but His mercy endures forever.

Anger (Part One)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Unrighteous anger, whether explosive or smoldering, can lead to high blood pressure, migraine headaches, or can ultimately lead to our spiritual demise.

Prayer and Seeking God

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Rather than having an apathetic relationship toward God, we must ardently, earnestly, and fervently seek God in order to imitate His behavior in our lives.

Why Was God So Angry With Israel? (Part Two)

CGG Weekly by Mike Fuhrer

The well of God's patience is not bottomless. Today, we are witnessing God's waning patience with this nation as He removes His hand of protection.

Why Was God So Angry With Israel? (Part One)

CGG Weekly by Mike Fuhrer

What caused God to become so enraged at Israel when they refused to enter the Promised Land? The story starts a few years earlier in the Exodus from Egypt.

Knowing God: Formality and Customs (Part Six)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

In the matter of godly standards for dress, we must adopt the humble, childlike, sincere, unassuming, and teachable attitude, loving God intimately.

The Sixth Seal

'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The Sixth Seal of Revelation foretells of the sun turning black and the moon turning red, stars falling, and a terrible earthquake that moves mountains.

The Second Exodus (Part Two)

'Prophecy Watch' by David C. Grabbe

The timing of the regathering of Israel is uncertain, but here are the Scriptural markers that narrow the time frame to a significant prophetic event.

Do You Recognize This Man? (Part Five)

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

In Exodus 19, there are 12 parallels with Christ's dramatic return illustrated in Matthew 24. All of these events will culminate in a blast of a trumpet.

Shock and Awe - and Speed

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The world will experience the ultimate 'shock and awe campaign' at the second coming of Christ. When these events start, they will occur at meteoric speed.

Lamentations (Part Three)

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Personified Jerusalem, whom God depicts as a grieving widow, blames others for her troubles while overlooking her own sins as the real cause of her sorrow.

How Emotions Affect Spiritual Maturity

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

God displays emotions, but they are always under control, unlike mankind. Using God's Spirit, we can grow into emotional (not emotionless) spiritual maturity.

How Long, O Lord? (1994)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The references to trumpets suggest an announcement of a specific event or an alarm of what is to follow. Typically, the events themselves are figurative trumpet blasts.

Lamentations (Part Five; 1989)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Amidst the devastation, the narrator has hope that God would rescue his humbled people. Though He punishes, God is still faithful and loyal to His people.

Psalms: Book Three (Part Two)

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Book Three of the Psalms addresses the compulsion to fast and to mourn. Judah's faithlessness brought about the horrific destruction of Jerusalem on Av 9.

Zephaniah (Part One): The Day of the Lord Is Near!

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Zephaniah's prophecy is sharply focused on Judah and Jerusalem because they should have known better. They are ordered to keep silent and consider their sins.

Lamentations (Part Four)

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

In Lamentations 2, Lady Jerusalem sidesteps godly repentance, opting instead for self-centered recrimination against Almighty God.

A Cause of Terrorism

Commentary by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

God is allowing these increasing acts of terrorism as punishment for our peoples' forsaking the Covenant with Him and despising His holy law.

Lamentations (Part Eight; 1989)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Lamentations 4 contains a series of contrasts, showing the indignities suffered by a once proud people reduced to humiliating servitude because of idolatry.