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Whatever Your Heart Desires

'Ready Answer' by Staff

The Bible tells us that at the Feast of Tabernacles, we can spend our money on whatever we desire. Do we indulge ourselves, or do we enhance the Feast for others?

Do You Recognize This Man? (Part Six)

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Jesus shared many happy feasts with His disciples and attended banquets and celebrations, much to the chagrin of the self-righteous Pharisees.

The Fruit of the Spirit: Joy

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Joy is more than just happiness. There is a joy that God gives, through the action of His Spirit in us, that far exceeds mere human cheerfulness.

Ecclesiastes and the Feast of Tabernacles (Part 2)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

God emphasizes Ecclesiastes during the Feast of Tabernacles to show the result of doing whatever our human heart leads us to do. The physical cannot satisfy.

Preparing for the Feast

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

The Feast of Tabernacles is far more than a yearly vacation. It is a time set apart for both rejoicing before God and learning to fear Him.

Our Part in the Sanctification Process (Part Three): Cultivating Joy

Sermon by David F. Maas

Strategies for cultivating joy include developing contentment and gratitude, giving rather than getting, finding pleasure in work, and valuing God's law.

Amos 5 and the Feast

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Just because we keep God's feasts does not necessarily mean we are in sync with God's Law or intent. The Israelites kept the feasts in a carnal manner.

Amos 5 and the Feast of Tabernacles

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

If we go to the Feast with the goal of physically enjoying, we may lose out on both the spiritual and physical benefits. 'Going through the motions' defiles it.

The Unleavened Life Is a Happy Life!

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The Days of Unleavened Bread define our responsibility in God's plan to purge out habits, attitudes, and teachings that do not conform to God's way.

The Seven Laws of Success

Herbert W. Armstrong Booklet

WHY are only the very few—women as well as men—successful in life? Just what is success? Here is the surprising answer to life's most difficult problem.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 4)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

While drunkenness and gluttony show self-centeredness and lack of discipline, often leading to poverty and ill health, moderation is the way to glorify God.