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Truth Has Fallen in the Streets

Commentary by Clyde Finklea

Israelites have reached a time when truth has perished and the legal system has turned justice aside, praising the wicked while persecuting the righteous.

The Times and Hate Speech

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh

The mendacious propaganda produced in Washington makes the work of Goebbels look amateurish.

How Was it Accomplished So Easily? (Part Four)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Satan's few lying words motivated Adam and Eve to sin, acts which have affected us all. We must guard ourselves from the propaganda of the mainstream media.

How Far Have We Fallen? (Part Four)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Respect for God is declining all over the world. Even in the scattered Church of God, an increasing casualness threatens to detract from respect for God.

Biden's 'Battle for the Soul of the Nation' Speech

'WorldWatch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

President Joseph Biden's condemnatory rhetoric matched the strange, blood-red lighting of the background, evoking the typical depictions of hell.

How Was it Accomplished So Easily? (Part Three)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

The leftist takeover was accomplished not by brute force, but through unctuous prevarications — words designed to appeal to people's thinking.

A Government To Fear (Part Two)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

The 'religious' communities of America are so biblically ignorant that they have learned to tolerate immorality, accepting lying in governmental leaders.

How Was It Accomplished So Easily? (Part Two)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Like the gullible German public in the time of Hitler is the equally gullible American electorate, oblivious to the calamity which will soon befall them.

Defective Reasoning: Appeal to Authority

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

We must be wary of placing too much confidence in self-appointed experts—the 'professionals' who rise to the top of every field of endeavor

How Was it Accomplished So Easily? (Part Five)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Lying is Satan's principle modus operandi. Following his influence, corporations and even churches shave the truth.

Christianity Vs. Cultural Paganism

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Satan deceives by mixing truth with and falsehood, promoting cultural pagans or tares among the wheat or members of the church of God.

Implications of the Gospel of the Kingdom

Sermonette by David C. Grabbe

God's people must let go of the world's solutions, involving party spirit, revolutions, and power struggles, placing their trust in the sovereignty of God.

Cuomo's Non Mea Culpa

Commentary by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Decency, honor, and truthfulness in politicians is like lipstick on a pig. Proverbs 26:25 warns that we must be cautious when anyone's speech is charming.

How Far Have We Fallen? (Part Five)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

The current persecution of nominal Christians in the Middle East will crescendo until God's called-out ones will receive intense persecution as well.

WiFi: Why Die?

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

We must educate ourselves about this invisible threat; neither industry nor government have been truthful regarding the dangers of this type of radiation.