
playlist Go to the Judging the World (topic) playlist

Judge Not, That You Be Not Judged (Part One)

Sermonette by Ryan McClure

If we are summoned to serve on a jury, how would we respond? Christ has counseled us that we should not condemn lest we be condemned; judgment is His.

Using Righteous Judgment

Sermon by Kim Myers

When we minimize sin, we become displeasing to God. God expects His people to confront brothers and sisters in Christ gently, without becoming judgmental.

Qualifications of a Godly Judge

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Christ's disciples are going through a rigorous training period to qualify for positions of leadership in God's Kingdom by conforming to Christ's image.

Basic Doctrines: Eternal Judgment

Bible Study by Earl L. Henn

One of God's roles is as Judge, and His judgments are eternally binding. But what does this mean? Who is judged? How? When? For what?

Why Should Christians Refuse Jury Duty?

'Ready Answer' by Staff

Christ's disciples should not engage in the trying, judging, or sentencing of others. Under the New Covenant, God states that He reserves this to Himself.

So Far Away

Sermonette by Joseph B. Baity

When the children of light judge and condemn those living in this world, they become the world and move away from God.

Mercy: The Better Option

'Ready Answer' by John O. Reid

It is easy to fall into the traps of judgmentalism, gossip, and unforgiveness. We must overcome our natural reactions and use forbearance in our relationships.

Matthew (Part Ten)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Entering the Kingdom requires choosing the narrow, difficult path of sacrifice, service, and humility over the easy, broad path of selfishness.

Change and Hope

Sermon by John O. Reid

As God found it necessary to test our forbears, He allows us to go through grueling experiences (trials, tests, and temptations) for maximum growth.

The Book of Daniel (Part Five)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Daniel 7-8 is full of overlapping images and visions. Both chapters show the certainty of the end of Gentile kingdoms, replaced by God's eternal Kingdom.

It IS All About Government

Sermon by Mark Schindler

Every form of human government established on this earth has been established as an attempt to declare independence from the sovereignty of God.