Recognizing Our Obligation
Sermonette by Richard T. RitenbaughHow different would our lives be if God had not called us? God's intervention in our lives improved their quality exponentially, and we must respond in kind.
What Would You Die For?
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsChristian martyrs, convicted by God's truth, having an ardent love for Christ, have attained a special place of honor because of their ultimate sacrifice.
'But I Say to You' (Part Five): Oaths
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughWe must grow in personal integrity, providing a witness for the truth to those around them, not needing the crutch of an oath to guarantee our integrity.
Purpose-Driven Churches (Part 3)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughOutcome based religion exalts numerical growth and feeling good over the truth of God, promoting the use of modern psychology over 'divisive' biblical doctrine.