Order in the Midst of Chaos
Sermonette; Given 10/19/2016
God can restore order without us, but He wants to share the project with us, enabling us to become little oases of God's order during unbelievable chaos.
Sermonette; Given 10/1/2016
In a recent study, scientists declared that, regardless of lifestyle or environmental factors, each human being has a clock with its own expiration date.
Brexit—An Unlikely Getaway
'WorldWatch' Article; Posted 8/24/2016
A sizable slice of the British people, most of them average citizens, have always distrusted the EU's encroachment on British sovereignty.
Changing the Narrative
Sermonette; Given 8/13/2016
We must remain separate from the world, keeping a safe distance from the satanic intrigue served out by the media, trusting only in the pure word of God.
Anything Goes (Part Two): Transparency for the Transgender Agenda
'WorldWatch' Article; Posted 4/14/2016
Pro-transgender forces are targeting the nation's children in an attempt to indoctrinate them to support their perverse practices.
A Pillar of Salt
Sermonette; Given 4/2/2016
We have a mandate to flee idolatry and the contagion of worldliness. If we seek to save our lives by embracing worldliness, we will lose our lives.
The Great Divide
Sermonette; Given 3/5/2016
Resentment unresolved can make us physically and spiritually sick. It raises havoc with our nervous system as well as jeopardizes our salvation.
Anything Goes (Part One): Transparency for the Transgender Agenda
'WorldWatch' Article; Posted 2/23/2016
The LGBT movement has dominated the headlines with the legalization of same-sex 'marriage' and Bruce Jenner's courage in 'coming out' as a transgender person.
Measuring God
Sermonette; Given 12/26/2015
Without factoring God into their equations, physicists and other scientists prove themselves abject fools.
Hedging Our Bet
Sermonette; Given 11/7/2015
Mankind desires to see into the future to control what is to come, realizing that knowing a future outcome can take the hazard out of decision-making.
Sermonette; Given 10/4/2015
Only those close to God will be able to handle the turmoil. No carnal solutions offered by survivalists will ultimately save us from these calamities.
Letting Go (Part Two): Avoid the Void
Sermonette; Given 9/5/2015
The carnal man's mission statement appears in Genesis 11:4: 'Let us make a name for ourselves, let us build ourselves a tower, defining our own destiny.'
Letting Go (Part One)
Sermonette; Given 6/20/2015
Fearing the end of something we thoroughly know and have become emotionally attached to may be every bit as terrifying as facing the unknown.
The Great Unknown
Sermonette; Given 5/2/2015
Man's greatest fear is of the unknown. Since there is more unknown than known, it is little wonder that we thirst for knowledge because we fear not knowing.
A Disagreement With the Truth
Sermonette; Given 3/7/2015
God alone possesses truth and we must seek this truth as we would seek precious gems. Pride could be described as disagreement with the truth.
What's Your Function?
Sermonette; Given 12/27/2014
'Functional' refers to fulfilling the role for what was intended or performing as designed. Functional families deal with conflict, avoiding abuse or neglect.
What's Love Got to Do With It?
Sermonette; Given 10/15/2014
The old serpent that deluded Eve has bastardized the term love, flooding the world with over one billion books distorting love. This is not the love of God.
Me, Myself, and You
Sermonette; Given 8/23/2014
This generation promotes self-gratification, self-realization, and self-indulgence, with a plethora of self-help books elevating self interest above others.
Patterns of Resistance
Sermonette; Given 6/7/2014
One of man's twisted thought patterns has two parts: (1) We seek to elevate ourselves above God, and (2) we lie to ourselves about the first pattern.
Believing is Seeing
Sermonette; Given 2/22/2014
We must walk in God's truth, seeing the spiritual path a little bit at a time until we arrive in the New Jerusalem, needing no external illumination.