May 4

Sovereign God, Not Man
(Commentary by Richard T. Ritenbaugh)

A great many members of the churches of God have been emulating the behavior of those living at the time of the Judges. Weak leadership existed in Israel as is does today in all lands occupied by Jacob's offspring. Because of government corruption, people feel compelled to do what is right in their own eyes, becoming sovereigns unto themselves. Sadly, as the late Dr. Herman Hoeh stated, this behavior has filtered out of the world right into God's church. Because of ministerial abuse in our previous fellowship, members have decided to become their own ministers, reserving to themselves the sole prerogative of determining what is right and what is wrong. Sadly, we have all become little "sovereigns." Everyone thinks he or she can make up the rules about God's truth, when God is to be the sole arbiter of truth. The apostle Peter proclaims that all are under authority and are obligated to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. Americans, embracing the ideal of rugged individualism, do not want anyone to tell them what to do. Spiritually we are not free because we have traded our slavery to sin to become slaves to righteousness. Many of the things God has told us to do are difficult. If we take sovereignty to ourselves, we destroy the unity with God and with each other. We are not playing church but must take our special calling seriously.