Significant events in our lives (perhaps tragedies or close calls) can help put things back into perspective. Maintaining a godly perspective in Satan's world is difficult because of the plethora of distractions continually competing for …
Let me, first, tell you of my experience, and a bit of history regarding the "Sacred Name" doctrine. I first encountered this teaching, and made a study of it, in 1937, thirty-five years ago. It was then apparently a new idea or …
According to The National Institute of Mental Health, between 5 and 12.5 percent of Americans have at least one phobia. Phobias are the most common mental illness among women of all ages, and they are the second most common mental …
(33) Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!
Most successful televangelists preach what is called "the Prosperity Gospel." Using select Scriptures, they teach that if one gives his life to Jesus, and if he follows certain biblical principles, God is obligated to fulfill His …
Every now and then, the subject of prayer and its efficacy arises. In a world increasingly dominated by non-Christians who scoff at prayer or any kind of communication with a divine being, real or imagined, the topic is bound to become a point of contention in society. Recently, the New York Times ethicist answered a question from an atheist who took offense to her elderly Christian neighbor's insistence that she would pray for her during a crisis in her life. The ethicist's answer was essentially, "Let her pray. Really, what's the harm?" To many, it is a head-scratcher to consider the …
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