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Caveats About Self-Examination
Sermon by David F. MaasWe must be very careful how we examine ourselves. Taking the Passover in an unworthy manner can result in serious physical or spiritual hazards.
Examine Oneself
Sermonette by Ronny H. GrahamTo avoid taking the Passover in an unworthy manner, we are to put ourselves on trial, making an ardent effort to detect our shortcomings.
Let Us Examine Ourselves
CGG Weekly by Ronny H. GrahamOnly after we have examined ourselves should we partake of the Passover symbols. Thoroughly examining ourselves should become a way of life.
What Does 'Examine Yourselves' Mean?
'Ready Answer' by StaffChristians prepare for Passover by engaging in a thorough, spiritual self-examination. An analysis of II Corinthians 13:5 shows us what we need to look for.
Time for Self-Evaluation
'Ready Answer' by John O. ReidPrior to the Days of Unleavened Bread, we are told to examine ourselves. How can we do that? Here are a few pointers on doing a thorough, honest once over.
On Self-Righteousness
CGG Weekly by John W. RitenbaughSelf-righteousness lies at the root of many other sins. Because we are self-centered, self-righteousness will follow as surely as water runs downhill.
Job and Self-Evaluation (Part One): Job's Character
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe lessons of the book of Job, which carry distinct New Covenant insights, applies to all. Job was complete, yet had spiritually stalled.
Examine Yourself
Sermon by James BeaubelleJesus kept the two great commandments flawlessly, providing us an example. These two great commandments are where most of our self-examination should revolve.
Micah 6:1-8 and Our Self Evaluation
Sermonette by Christian D. HunterAs God's called-out saints , we must follow the precedent set by the prophet Micah the practice of remembering God's faithfulness, a practice also supported by neuroscience. For example , the hippocampus strengthens memory, also releasing dopamine to produce joy and motivation. The prefrontal cortex processes and reframes prior …
Examine and Come Out
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe Old Testament examples were given to show us what God had to do to pave the way for our calling, sanctification, and ultimate glorification.
Passover and Friends United in Truth (Part One)
CGG Weekly by Mark SchindlerOut of the entire world, we have been chosen now to develop friendship, not with the world, but with those placed in the love and friendship of the Body of Christ.
Passover Preparedness
Sermonette by John O. ReidWe are to seriously consider this season, examining ourselves carefully and soberly, measuring ourselves against the sinless life of Jesus Christ.
Year End Review and Daily Evaluations
Sermonette by Ryan McClureSelf examination is not to be a frenetic exercise we conduct shortly before Passover, but a systematic day-by-day endeavor to evaluate our behavior.
What Does "Discerning the Lord's Body" Mean? (Part One)
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeI Corinthians 11:29 says that whoever takes Passover unworthily fails to discern the Lord's body, which is composed of those whom God has called.
Evaluating the Price of Redemption
CGG Weekly by John O. ReidOf all of God's appointed times, the Passover is one that we should not rush into without thought and preparation, lest we miss the awesome depth of its meaning.
Comparing Ourselves Among Ourselves
Article by Martin G. CollinsMost people think they are moral compared to their peers. Yet we will only begin to grow in character once we compare ourselves to the true standard.
A Worthy Manner?
CGG Weekly by Pat HigginsWhy does it mean to observe the Passover in a worthy manner? It is not about works. It begins with realizing the depth of our sin, yet our focus must go beyond this.

Christ, Our Passover
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughMany people believe that our sins are the focus of Passover—but they are wrong! Jesus Christ, the Passover Lamb, should be our focus. How well do you know Him?
Is Ignorance Truly Bliss?
Sermonette by David C. GrabbeThe 'people of the lie' do not believe they have any major defects and, consequently, do not have any need to examine themselves, let alone change.
Remember Me
Sermonette by Ronny H. GrahamGod asks that we use the Passover to bring to remembrance His redemptive act, especially how our sins caused Christ to die in our stead.
Patterns of Resistance (Part One)
CGG Weekly by Joseph B. BaityIt is natural, as age increases, for a person to feel the end creeping up on him or her, and we begin asking how, when, where, and what is to be our end.
Christ Our Passover
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe focus of our self-examination should not be self-centered or comparing ourselves with others, but on the awesome significance of His sacrifice.
The Seventy-Five Cent Screwdriver
Sermonette by Austin Del CastilloWhen we examine ourselves, we need to determine how useful we are when He uses us, or how available we are to Him when He needs us.
The Rest of the Story
Sermon by Mark SchindlerIn I Corinthians 11:29, we are cautioned not to partake of the Passover in an unworthy manner, a primary example of which is the shabby treatment of brethren.

An Unpayable Debt and Obligation
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughWhen God calls us and redeems us through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we suddenly come under obligation—a debt we cannot pay but overshadows all we do.
A Pre-Passover Look
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughWe must thoroughly examine ourselves, exercising and strengthening our faith, actively giving love back to God, to avoid taking Passover in a careless manner.
Contrite Heart
Sermonette by Ronny H. GrahamAs the day of God's wrath appears imminent, we must diligently seek the Lord, righteousness, and humility. Contrition pleases God the most.

Pride, Humility, and the Day of Atonement
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughThe Day of Atonement, when God commands us to afflict our souls, is a day of self-evaluation and repentance to seek unity with Him and our brethren.
Testing Spiritual Character
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsAn outward trial can be a catalyst for character development. By testing ourselves, we can take the edge off the pressure of God testing us.
The Vetting
Sermonette by Joseph B. BaityWe must take a closer look at ourselves, inviting God into the vetting process, recognizing the difference between what we are and how we present ourselves.
Learning to Navigate
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughAre we navigating through life toward God's Kingdom like Jesus Christ? As our example, He has already done the heavy lifting; our job is to follow his lead.
The Leaven of Double-Mindedness
CGG Weekly by Joshua MontgomeryChristians must deal with double-mindedness because the flesh and spirit contend for our hearts. We overcome it by being of one mind with Christ.
Delusions of Perfection
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughWe need to exercise humility and forbearance when we deal with the weaknesses of our brethren, restoring them in love as we would expect them to do for us.
The Mystery of Goodness
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsBecause even Satan can transform himself into an angel of light, we must be careful not to assess goodness by surface appearances. God's goodness is our pattern.
Christian Myopia
Article by StaffMyopia, or nearsightedness, is not just an eye condition. It also describes a worldview that is quite limited and limiting.
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughEach member of Christ's body must choose to function in the role God has ordained to produce unity, emulating Christ in striving to please the Father

Specks as Mirrors
'Ready Answer' by David F. MaasOur ability to see the specks in others' eyes may indicate spiritual deficiencies in ourselves, as we project our own sins onto others.
The Danger of Trusting in Oneself
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsThose wise in their own eyes, including philosophers, politicians, educators, and religious leaders, have failed in their quest to make the world better.
The Ship Is Yours
Sermon by Mark SchindlerJust as the captain of a ship wants decision-makers, not just order takers, God expects us to make decisions in accordance with His will.