Forerunner: Preparing Christians for the Kingdom of God
Looking for Israel (November-December 2016)
November-December 2016
Volume 25, Number 6
When the term “Israel” is mentioned today, most people think of the modern State of Israel and its predominantly Jewish population. But when the Bible mentions Israel, it is probably not referring to the Jewish state or to Jews in particular. A thorough study of God’s Word on the subject shows that, while Jews may be included, “Israel” most often points the reader to search for the Israelites in a different direction. (iStockphoto)
'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
Leadership and Covenants (Part Seven)
We carry an "old friend" around with us wherever we go, one whom we cherish and protect even though it frequently influences us to think, say, and do the wrong things. Referring to our human nature, our carnal or fleshly mind, John Ritenbaugh argues that, deceived or not, our sinful nature drives us to disobey God's laws, just as Adam and Eve transgressed by choosing the way of death. Such choices by all humanity have fashioned this present, evil world.
Ready Answer
Man's and God's
by Ronny H. Graham
With the new year invariably come New Year's resolutions—and days or weeks later, a great deal of failure in keeping them! The idea of making resolutions to improve oneself is commendable, but we should carefully consider the kind of resolutions we make. Ronny Graham suggests that we take up godly resolutions, so that we "put on" the righteous character of the new man.
Prophecy Watch
The Nation of Israel—Biblical Israel? (Part Two)
by Pat Higgins
Just whom the name "Israel" identifies is a great deal more difficult to figure out than the average person may think. Most people, without a thorough knowledge of Scripture, believe it means "the Jews." Pat Higgins, showing from the Bible that the Jews are only part of the larger people of Israel, uses biblical clues to point out where certain Israelite tribes are located in today's world.
Safe Spaces or Dangerous Places? The Assault Upon Our Future (Part One)
by Joseph B. Baity
The terms "safe spaces" and "trigger warning" have cropped up frequently in the past year or so in the media, often accompanied by photographs or videos of protesting young people on college campuses. Joseph Baity helps to define these terms and the philosophical/political movements that have propelled them onto our national consciousness.
Bible Study
Does the Bible Contain Discrepancies?
by Martin G. Collins
Christians believe that the Bible is the written Word of God, and therefore, it is inspired and essentially free from error (any errors being the result of human misunderstanding and misinterpretation). Asking if the Bible can in any way contain contradictions, Martin Collins answers that, while difficulties do exist, they can be explained with thoughtful analysis.