Forerunner: Preparing Christians for the Kingdom of God

Looking for Hope? (July-August 2016)

July-August 2016
Volume 25, Number 4

The world seems to be dangerously short on hope these days, and as times become increasingly difficult, it will become scarcer still. Yet, hope—a real, powerful hope, not wishful thinking—is always available to us in Christ. If we have faith in Him and the works He has done for us, we will possess a sure, living hope, that will enable us to endure to the end. (iStockphoto)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
Leadership and Covenants (Part Five)

Having laid extensive groundwork for the Bible's covenants, John Ritenbaugh begins to explore the first of these, the Edenic Covenant. Universal in scope, this covenant introduces God to mankind as his Creator and establishes the rules by which human beings are to relate to Him and to the earth and its human and non-human inhabitants. It is simultaneously a covenant of blessing and responsibility.

Ready Answer
Defining Hope for the Creation

by James Beaubelle

None of us is perfect. We are all, in a sense, broken to some degree, whether from birth or by the constant grind of life. We have little hope of repair. James Beaubelle, however, finds real hope in Scripture, arguing that, if our hope is in our great High Priest, Jesus Christ, we can have faith that our hope will be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.

Prophecy Watch
The Goodness and Severity of God (Part Two)

by Charles Whitaker

We worship a God, who, though all-powerful and loving, seems to display irreconcilable contradictions, such as His great wrath and His deep compassion. Charles Whitaker explains that these are not contradictory traits but rigorous responses to sin and its consequences. Though His wrath burns hot "for a little while," His compassion follows quickly after, bringing restoration.

A Real Health Emergency?

by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Apart from the coverage of the U.S. presidential election, the Zika virus was this summer's major news story, casting a pall over the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Richard Ritenbaugh covers the history and substance of the Zika virus, concluding that the sensational headlines obscured the fact that the relative handful of infections did not make it a threat.

Bible Study
The Miracles of Jesus Christ:
Healing Malchus' Ear (Part One)

by Martin G. Collins

The last of Jesus' miracles during His human life occurred in the Garden of Gethsemane as He was being arrested by a large contingent of troops. Peter, defending his Lord, drew his sword and lopped an ear from the head of Malchus, the high priest's servant. Martin Collins shows that, while exposing a few of Peter's character flaws, the scene reveals Jesus' love and kindness, even under heavy stress.

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