Forerunner: Preparing Christians for the Kingdom of God
Shepherds and Leadership (January-February 2016)
January-February 2016
Volume 25, Number 1
The Bible frequently uses the image of a shepherd to illustrate human leadership, both good and bad. It describes, not just religious leaders, but also leaders in government, business, and education, as well as in the community and the home. Self-serving leadership, a primary cause of the fall of Israel and Judah, is evident in today’s Western world. (iStockphoto)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
Leadership and Covenants (Part Two)
When a society falls into chaos and blatant immorality, as the Western world seems to be on the verge of doing, it is evident that there is a crisis in leadership. While warning us of the times just ahead, John Ritenbaugh turns the focus of leadership toward the church, exhorting us to learn the lessons of godly leadership now because our positions in the Kingdom of God will require their use.
Ready Answer
Why Did God Command Israel to Go to War?
by David C. Grabbe
The "God of the Old Testament" receives a great deal of criticism from some quarters because, allegedly, He makes statements that contradict New Testament teaching, and He also seems cruel, especially toward non-Israelites. Examining a question that brings both of these criticisms into play, David Grabbe argues that God's command for Israel to execute total war on the Canaanites has a rational—and yes, Christian—explanation.
Prophecy Watch
It's Not Fair!
by Geoff Preston
"Fairness" is a major buzzword in these times. Special interest groups complain and sometimes agitate because they feel that society is not treating them fairly. Geoff Preston approaches the subject more personally, showing that our discontent over perceived mistreatment pales in comparison to what others have endured.
The Perils of Populism
by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Every generation or so, a populist leader arises to grip public attention, the electorate to support grassroots policies that other politicians have ignored. Recognizing that Americans have rushed to support two populist candidates during this cycle's primary season, Richard Ritenbaugh cautions that populism has a tendency to spin out of control.
Bible Study
Would Jesus Christ Vote? (Part One)
by Martin G. Collins
America's presidential primary season has brought voting in political elections to the fore once again. Because it is not directly mentioned in Scripture, people often ask if voting is biblically condoned. Martin Collins, beginning a short series of Bible Studies, re-asks the question in its most basic form for a true Christian: Would Jesus Vote?