Forerunner: Preparing Christians for the Kingdom of God
Meet the Minor Prophets (March-April 2012)
March-April 2012
Volume 21, Number 2
The imagery of the plumb line derives from the prophecy of Amos given to the Kingdom of Israel just before it fell to Assyria (see Amos 7:7-8). A great many well-known biblical sayings and images are found in the section of the Old Testament called the Minor Prophets, which bridges the gap between the Testaments. Though small in length, the twelve Minor Prophets contain valuable information and warnings for us today. (CGG)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
Living By Faith and God's Grace
In nominal Christianity, God's saving grace is placed at the center of the message of the gospel and is often emphasized to the point of overshadowing many of Christ's other teachings. Agreeing that grace is vital to a Christian's walk with God, John Ritenbaugh defines the term, showing that God gives grace from start to finish in a person's relationship with Him. It cannot be limited merely to justification and His forgiveness of our sins.
Ready Answer
How Do We Keep God's Festivals?
by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Many of us have been members of the church of God for decades, and because of our long association with God's festivals, we forget that new members have little or no idea how to keep them and can be intimidated about what God requires of them during these appointed times. Richard Ritenbaugh points out the foundational principles new members need to keep in mind in observing the Feasts of God throughout the year.
Prophecy Watch
Meet the Minor Prophets (Part Two)
by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
The twelve books of the Minor Prophets are often overlooked, squeezed between the "important" books of the Major Prophets—Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel—and the "vital" four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Richard Ritenbaugh summarizes four more of these brief but intriguing and helpful books: Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah.
The New Energy Equation
by David C. Grabbe
These days, the price of gasoline always seems to be heading up rather than down. However, new discoveries of large oil and gas deposits around the world reveal that we will not be running out of oil soon. David Grabbe documents that much of this newly found oil is difficult and costly to extract, and political and economic factors keep the price—and tensions—high.
Bible Study
The Miracles of Jesus Christ:
Feeding the Four Thousand
by Martin G. Collins
Some people think that Christ's miracle of feeding the 4,000 is the same as His feeding of the 5,000, but there are too many differences for them to have been the same occasion. Martin Collins explores the spiritual connotations of this tremendous miracle, focusing on the disciples' spiritual development and Jesus' compassion.