Prepare to Meet Your God! (Part One) (February 19, 2025)
The book of Amos records an uncanny parallel to what is happening today among Western nations. The prophet's doom-and-gloom assessment of spiritual decline contrasts sharply with Israel's then-surging power, wealth, and influence. Ultimately, the Israelites failed to repent and suffered war, famine, pestilence, and captivity as a result. With our nations heading along the same path, the authors contend the window to avoid God's wrath is closing.
The book of Amos records an uncanny parallel to what is happening today among Western nations. The prophet's doom-and-gloom assessment of spiritual decline contrasts sharply with Israel's then-surging power, wealth, and influence. Ultimately, the Israelites failed to repent and suffered war, famine, pestilence, and captivity as a result. With our nations heading along the same path, the authors contend the window to avoid God's wrath is closing.
Valentine's Day and Real Love (February 12, 2025)
Saint Valentine's Day is all about love, and love is good, right? This holiday's origins in pagan Rome and its modern sexualized celebration belie its supposed goodness. Even its religious ties to a Saint Valentine are tenuous! In Scripture, God repeatedly warns against involving ourselves in the practices of those around us, urging us to cling to His ways, including observing His weekly and annual Sabbaths. Through them, we learn true, godly love.
Saint Valentine's Day is all about love, and love is good, right? This holiday's origins in pagan Rome and its modern sexualized celebration belie its supposed goodness. Even its religious ties to a Saint Valentine are tenuous! In Scripture, God repeatedly warns against involving ourselves in the practices of those around us, urging us to cling to His ways, including observing His weekly and annual Sabbaths. Through them, we learn true, godly love.
Shifting Toward Authoritarianism (February 5, 2025)
Recent generations of American and British citizens have expressed a desire for more authoritarian forms of government. They are even willing to give up various rights and freedoms to ensure their security. This sentiment springs in part from their parents' childrearing methods that over-protected them and left them unprepared for real-world dangers. Joseph Baity wonders if this generational desire will lead to the rise of the Beast.
Recent generations of American and British citizens have expressed a desire for more authoritarian forms of government. They are even willing to give up various rights and freedoms to ensure their security. This sentiment springs in part from their parents' childrearing methods that over-protected them and left them unprepared for real-world dangers. Joseph Baity wonders if this generational desire will lead to the rise of the Beast.
Biblical Symbolism (Part One) (January 29, 2025)
Although the complete Bible has been available for nearly two millennia, beliefs and opinions about its content are as divided as ever. One factor in many such disagreements is that even scholars cannot agree on its symbolic language, which God intentionally used to hide meaning. Richard Ritenbaugh asserts that God reveals understanding to those whom He calls, including the meanings of the Bible's many symbols, parables, types, and other metaphorical elements.
Although the complete Bible has been available for nearly two millennia, beliefs and opinions about its content are as divided as ever. One factor in many such disagreements is that even scholars cannot agree on its symbolic language, which God intentionally used to hide meaning. Richard Ritenbaugh asserts that God reveals understanding to those whom He calls, including the meanings of the Bible's many symbols, parables, types, and other metaphorical elements.
Recognizing the Second Witness (January 22, 2025)
The law says a matter is established from the mouth of two or three witnesses. However, on scriptural authority, we cannot limit this principle to two or three different people. The principle is also true when the multiple witnesses are different appearances by the same person, as in Christ's first and second comings. Describing those who encountered Christ as a Man, Charles Whitaker urges us to follow the examples of those who accepted Him as their Messiah.
The law says a matter is established from the mouth of two or three witnesses. However, on scriptural authority, we cannot limit this principle to two or three different people. The principle is also true when the multiple witnesses are different appearances by the same person, as in Christ's first and second comings. Describing those who encountered Christ as a Man, Charles Whitaker urges us to follow the examples of those who accepted Him as their Messiah.
Presumption and Divine Justice (Part Two) (January 15, 2025)
In the examples of Nadab and Abihu, Uzzah, and Ananias and Sapphira, Scripture reveals a pattern of God's displeasure with acts of presumption. Human presumption exposes people's misunderstanding of holiness, and He sometimes acts swiftly to teach His people vital lessons about regarding Him as holy. John Ritenbaugh explains that God's justice is always characterized by His righteousness. We should be grateful that He frequently judges with mercy.
In the examples of Nadab and Abihu, Uzzah, and Ananias and Sapphira, Scripture reveals a pattern of God's displeasure with acts of presumption. Human presumption exposes people's misunderstanding of holiness, and He sometimes acts swiftly to teach His people vital lessons about regarding Him as holy. John Ritenbaugh explains that God's justice is always characterized by His righteousness. We should be grateful that He frequently judges with mercy.
Does God Cause Pandemics? (January 9, 2025)
While natural disasters are called "acts of God," modern people - even many who consider themselves Christians - scoff at the idea that God actually causes or allows them to happen. Instead, they look for "scientific" or "reasonable" causes and shout down intrepid Christians who claim they are divine curses for national and individual sins. David Grabbe shows that the Bible frequently speaks of God sending calamities - yes, even pandemics - upon His people to spark repentance.
While natural disasters are called "acts of God," modern people - even many who consider themselves Christians - scoff at the idea that God actually causes or allows them to happen. Instead, they look for "scientific" or "reasonable" causes and shout down intrepid Christians who claim they are divine curses for national and individual sins. David Grabbe shows that the Bible frequently speaks of God sending calamities - yes, even pandemics - upon His people to spark repentance.
How Much Does God Love Us? (Part Two) (January 1, 2025)
When Jesus says in John 17:23 that the Father loves His disciples as He has loved Jesus, do we believe Him? His profound statement should encourage us in our spiritual walk, but we still struggle with fear. We still respond to trials with despair and often fail to wait for God to help us at the proper time. Why do we not trust in God's love for us? Pat Higgins continues to explore what God's inexhaustible love means to us as we press toward the goal of His Kingdom.
When Jesus says in John 17:23 that the Father loves His disciples as He has loved Jesus, do we believe Him? His profound statement should encourage us in our spiritual walk, but we still struggle with fear. We still respond to trials with despair and often fail to wait for God to help us at the proper time. Why do we not trust in God's love for us? Pat Higgins continues to explore what God's inexhaustible love means to us as we press toward the goal of His Kingdom.