Sermonette: Does a Weed Know it's a Weed? (Part One)

Parable of the Tares

Given 02-Nov-13; 17 minutes


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A weed is a plant having little value, growing where it is not wanted, and it actually harms good plants. The Parable of the Tares among the Wheat teaches that only God Almighty is able to judge between wheat and tares (darnel). Satan sows the tares at night, attempting to plant his seed of pride in us, leading us to superciliously judge other people. Through our offensive conduct, we could be a tare by creating a stumbling block for other people. Tares are most noxious to new believers-seedlings who may be overcome by weeds. We need to refrain from judging, spreading gossip, and speaking evil of others. All the churches of God have a mixture of good and bad weeds; we cannot do God's weeding for Him.

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