Sermonette: The Good Work
Looking At the Broad Sweep
David C. Grabbe
Given 12-Oct-13; 18 minutes
description: (hide) We are not equipped to clearly see the changes that have taken place within us from our calling. As in time-lapse photography, one snapshot in the myriad pictures may be dismal and would not be able to indicate the changes that take place over a long period of time. Only the Master Cinematographer God Almighty knows the end as well as the beginning. God is fulfilling a divine purpose and completing a spiritual work in our lives. We can share in Paul's confidence that He who has begun a work in us will complete it. God promises to give us the will and the power to do our part, working out our salvation with fear, trembling, and reverential awe. Salvation is ours to lose; God has provided everything we need. Our work is to believe, with all that entails, realizing that a few bad snapshots should not cause us to lose faith.