Sermonette: This Land is Our Land
Land Ownership
Mike Ford (1955-2021)
Given 13-Jul-13; 17 minutes
description: (hide) God intended that the land stay in the family in perpetuity. Today in America, home ownership is at the lowest it has been in years. When Israel rejected God, it gave the power to the king (the government) to confiscate land and wealth. The US Government owns over 30% of the land of the entire United States, 80% of Nevada, 45% of California. The government can take any piece of property under the 'right' of eminent domain. The EPA, DEA, ATF, and other government entities can take land from us without warning at will. God intended that the land be held by people in perpetuity; under man's rule, we never really own anything. Governmental laws layered on other governmental laws truncate man's personal sense of responsibility. We are suffocated by petty restraints. It appears that anything the government owns is in a state of decay. The heavy hand of government stifles creativity and ingenuity, standing in the way of creative problem solving. Thankfully, in God's Kingdom, land ownership to individuals will be restored.