Sermonette: Look Into the Mirror
God's Law is to Identify Sin and Know God's Will
Ted E. Bowling
Given 08-Jun-13; 15 minutes
description: (hide) God's law is like a mirror that will reveal dirt on the face, but the mirror cannot get rid of the smudge, not will the smudge go away if we get rid of the mirror. Likewise the purpose of the law was never to get rid of sin, but to expose sin. God's Word contains the spiritual mirror which places our transgressions in the spotlight, enabling us to repent and ask for forgiveness and cleansing through Christ's blood. Bright light exposes dirt; God's law exposes sin. Satan hates God's law because it exposes wrongdoing. If people say the law has been nailed to the cross, they make null and void the necessity of Christ's sacrifice as well as our obligation to overcome evil. Satan wants to make Jesus Christ's sacrifice irrelevant. Christ did not come to do away with the law, but to magnify it, revealing the depths of God's character. We need to be mirroring God the Father and Jesus Christ and their perfect character.