Sermonette: Do We See the Line?

Understanding the Principles Behind the Laws

Given 01-Apr-13; 19 minutes


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The novel and TV mini-series, Lonesome Dove, is an action packed drama set in 1876 Texas, in which a series of miscalculations puts one former Texas Ranger, Jake, and his former partners, Gus and Woodrow, on opposite sides of the law. Because Jake has fallen in with the notorious Sudds Brothers, a sadistic gang of murderers, Jake has had his reputation permanently tarnished, even though he hasn't directly participated in the killings. Gus and Woodrow, when they are about to hang Jake, express the wish that Jake had not "crossed the line" earlier between law-abider and law-breaker. As Christians, we must also be aware when we are in danger of crossing the point of no return. We have no problem seeing the line for others, but not for ourselves. The unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Some try to misconstrue Paul's intent in which he says "all things are lawful for me, " thinking he said , as a free moral agent, he could do whatever he wanted. A great many lawyers would like to turn the demarcations between right and wrong permanently gray. As we mature in the faith, absorbing the over-arching principle on which the law is based, the heretofore blurry lines begin to take on a darker hue, far more efficient than the cumbersome 39 Restrictions and the convoluted Gramma Principles followed by Orthodox Jews. If we know the principle behind the law, the multiple manmade rules are superfluous, and the real line between right and wrong should be clear.

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