Sermonette: Images of Natural Things


Given 02-Mar-13; 17 minutes


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One of the ideas circulating the fringes of Christendom today is based upon a flawed interpretation of Deuteronomy 4:25, that creating a likeness of anything through sculpture, painting, etching, or photography is a grave sin. Even stylized art is looked upon by these zealous scripture-twisters as inherently evil. Herbert W. Armstrong allowed the placement of bird statuaries around the three campuses of Ambassador College. Art is not equivalent to an idol unless the observer insists upon worshiping it. The priestly robes of the Levites were embroidered with pictures of pomegranates. The Ark of the Covenant contained sculpted images of cherubim. The objects in the Tabernacle depicted the reality of God's Heavenly dwellings. God does not forbid images of His Creation unless we worship these images. To think He does borders on doctrines of demons. On the other hand, to worship these objects is akin to pantheism or the secularist worship of nature. The Second Commandment does not prohibit genuine works of art.

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