Sermonette: I Saw God Today- How About You?
Bill Onisick
Given 06-Oct-12; 20 minutes
description: (hide) We see only what we pay attention to. Sometimes we miss God's interventions in our life. Those little things which may initially seem insignificant, may be nudges from our Heavenly Father to get back on course. God has gifted each us with spiritual gifts, all for the purpose of edifying one another. The most important gift is Agape love which we should be lavishing on one another. The gifts are supposed to bring us together. The role of the evangelist is to build up the body of Christ. It refers to one who proclaim the Good News. All of us can participate in this function of building the Body of Christ, increasing the bonds of perfection. We are in the trenches together, having the responsibility to share the "I saw God today" events to one another. Do we see God today? Where we put our focus determines what we see.