Sermonette: Don't Lose Heart!

Prayer and Faith

Given 17-Sep-12; 17 minutes


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The Feast of Trumpets depicts a pivotal time, a time of judgment after which the world will never again be the same. Three parables (the Parable of the Talents, the Parable of the Unprofitable Servant, and the Parable of the Goats and Sheep) indicate judgment will be meted on the church. The Parable of the Importunate Widow indicates that regular and continual prayer is going to be necessary to keep from losing heart or becoming spiritually faint. Regular prayer keeps us from descending into a weak spiritual state. Prayer is a proactive practice through which we prepare for impending trials, maintaining constant contact with God, enabling us to have endurance and steadfastness. Knowing that we have a relationship with God, we have no reason to shrink back. If our prayers are not answered in the affirmative, perhaps it is because His purposes would be better served in the long run if God answers counter to our expectations or desires. In either case, we need to continue on our quest to know God better in the process, developing absolute trust and faith in His purposes to us.

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