Sermonette: Why Work (2012)?

To Enable One To Give

Given 27-May-12; 23 minutes


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While many individuals who have the welfare or entitlement mentality regard work as a bane, work brings joy and fulfillment. God Almighty is a Creator, and a creator works. We will never be in God's image unless we enjoy creating and working. The first gift that God gave Adam and Eve was a place to work, the Garden of Eden, a venue they would tend and keep. Working is ordained by our Creator God, enabling us to derive joy from accomplishing something. We are mandated to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Consistent work produces profit, as reflected in a bountiful harvest. God the Father and Jesus Christ have already set the precedent of productive work. The apostle Paul has given us a positive example of hard work, not to accumulate things for itself, but to serve God's people, realizing it is always better to give than to receive. Likewise, we should work so that we are prepared to give. God is love; love is an outgoing concern. God is continually giving to the good and bad alike. God has decreed that we, as His offspring, must work in order that we can give.

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