Sermonette: Bruising

Are We Bruising Our Body?

Given 28-Apr-12; 15 minutes


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Bruising is defined as "an injury from a sudden blow causing discoloration, tenderness, and pain." Bruising can have spiritual applications as well. The blueness of the wound indicates that the healing process has commenced. The discoloration occurs when the damaged red blood cells are gobbled up by the white blood cells. Some bruises are worse than others, requiring longer time to recover. In regard to the bruising of the spirit, it may take a long time before spiritual restoration can occur. If a bruise chases away evil, it must be good for us. Sin indeed does cause bruising. What David did in the adulterous relationship with Bathsheba caused intense spiritual bruising, but the internal scars prevented David from ever doing anything like that again. Pain drives away the temptation to sin the second time around, as the bruise throbs relentlessly. In the body of Christ, we should refrain from bruising one another. The horrible beating Christ took was as a result of our sins. In the future, Christ will heal all of our bruises for all time.

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