Sermonette: Attitude of a Repentant Laodicean
Daily, Persistant, and Humble Prayer for Christ's Gifts to Overcome
Bill Onisick
Given 14-Jan-12; 17 minutes
description: (hide) The parable of the importunate woman and the judge emphasizes persistence, teaching that we need to exercise faithful prayer coupled with humility. We should focus on accumulating spiritual, heavenly treasures, preferring them to worldly treasures. If we look beyond the worldly cares, we will not lose our focus or our ability to produce spiritual fruit. The Laodiceans lost the ability to produce spiritual fruit because they were grounded to worldly pursuits. But we must take on the mindset of a repentant Laodicean (somewhat like a recovering alcoholic) rather than the pompous pharisaical attitude of some individuals who consider themselves Philadelphians, but in reality are not. To those who struggle to overcome the stranglehold of their sins, Christ promises close proximity to Him as He rules.