Sermonette: What is Important?
Dan Elmore
Given 31-Dec-11; 14 minutes
description: (hide) R. Graf's ten most important events in history are: the American Revolution, responsible for America's dominant influence; the Reformation, giving us free thought while holding us down to the basics of life; Jesus Christ, "setting off an atomic religious bomb which is still felt today;" the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, signifying the end of Communist rule; World War II, involving most of the world in the conflict; World War I, the prelude to World War II; the Gutenberg Press, making access to knowledge universal; Mohammed, influencing a sizable portion of the world's inhabitants; Pax Romana, creating the foundations of culture of today's world, and the Renaissance, an awakening of heretofore dormant knowledge. What do we consider most important? To the third world, the basics of life (food, water, and shelter) loom important; to those living in autocratic dictatorships, freedom is the most important; to current first world inhabitants, economic stability, education, and power may seem the most important. Einstein felt that what would bring the most happiness must be connected to a worthy goal. To God's called-out ones, repentance, keeping the commandments, loving one another, studying God's Word, and believing what God says constitute the most important goals.