Sermonette: Watching With Care
God Loves His Creation and He is Watching
Ted E. Bowling
Given 26-Nov-11; 14 minutes
description: (hide) People love what they create. Our God is no different; He loves His creation, possibly taking millions of years to plan. All this He did for us. As parents, we love our children; how much more does God love us? God loves us so much He gives us trials and tests in order to perfect us. God is so intent on His supervision of His creation that not even the falling of a sparrow escapes His attention. God is attentive to things we would consider insignificant. God has even numbered the hairs on our head. No matter how insignificant we may feel, we are significant to God, giving us the assurance that we should not fear anything we should go through. God knows everything about us; He watches everything we do, and everything done to us. In every situation God watches over us.