Sermonette: Overcoming Troubled Hearts
Clyde Finklea
Given 15-Oct-11; 19 minutes
description: (hide) Even though we live in a hopelessly corrupt world in which trials are intensifying, sin is regarded as righteousness, and righteousness is designated as evil, we must not have a troubled heart. We are to consistently use effort to calm the agitation of our fearful emotions. The young rich man who was sorrowful about his losing his great possessions was offered a position in the Kingdom of God if he would sacrifice everything he had. The young man, if he truly believed that Jesus was the Son of God, would have realized the preciousness of what was offered to him. The fearful have the same judgment as the murderers and adulterers. Uncertainty and fear of what might happen to us will weaken our faith. We must trust in Christ in times of uncertainty, realizing that no matter what happens to us He will lead us closer to our spiritual destination. If we are perfected in love, learning to love to the same extent as Jesus Christ, we will lose our fear and calm our troubled hearts. If we have Christ's perfect love, we will have the fortitude (having an abundance of the fruits of the spirit) to endure the harsh threshing process.