Sermonette: Treasure, Heart and Mammon
The Heart Can Be Influenced
John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)
Given 12-Jun-11; 25 minutes
description: (hide) On Pentecost, the two loaves with the leavening were given to the priest but not to God. The burnt offering and the grain offering were offered before the waving of the loaves in order to guarantee their acceptance. The overall purpose of all sacrifices is to maintain our relationship with God. The focus of the actual offering is not on death, but in a life offered to God as a living sacrifice. The worth of a sacrifice is not based on the intrinsic value of the gift offered, but the cost of the gift to the giver of the offering. Where our interests are focused (where our heart is) determines where we will allocate our treasure, time, and talent. Mammon has taken on the connotation of the thing or object in which man puts his trust. If the heart is motivated by godly impulses, we will be oriented to permanent things. Our offerings to God will bring us good and positive feelings. When we offer ourselves to God, the blessings will flow.