Passover: Passover Service 2011
John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)
Given 17-Apr-11; 58 minutes
description: (hide) Never was so much given for so little received in return. The Pharisees in Christ's time had a pathetic sense of proportion of what constituted right and wrong, totally skewing their judgment. Conversely, when one has the quality of humility, God responds favorably. The unconverted have grave difficulty because their pride overcomes them. Being humble is a choice which the converted are free to make, a choice which safeguards our sense of proportion, bringing our judgment in line with God's perfect sense of proportion. God is not unjust because He has allowed men to be unjust to us. We are to be constantly merciful as God is constantly merciful, forgiving trespasses against us as God has forgiven our trespasses against him. Our appreciation of Passover comes from the enormity of the debt God has forgiven us, an appreciation which should permanently shape our conduct. Jesus humbled Himself, becoming one of us, providing an example of humility by washing His disciples' feet. As we partake of the symbols bread-representing Christ's broken body, sacrificed for our healing, and wine- representing His shed blood sacrificed for our sins, we become joined to His body, obliged to live as Christ lives as children of God. Christ's blood redeemed us, reconciling us to God the Father. In John 17, Jesus offers a moving prayer for His disciples, then and now, to protect us from the temptations and persecutions of the world. After Christ's disciples sang a hymn, they departed into the Mount of Olives.