Sermonette: The Night to be Much Observed (2011)


Given 16-Apr-11; 14 minutes


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The Night to be Much Observed is a pivotal event in which our forebears participated, and which is a mandate on us as well. The Night to be Much Observed looks both backward and forward, with thankfulness for our release from bondage, while also using our precious freedom responsibly rather than squandering it—as did some of our forebears. God wants to call into remembrance the liberty He has given us, and at the same time encouraging us to use our freedom responsibly in order to deepen a relationship with Him. Before our rescue by God, we had become kidnapped by Satan, as had our parents Adam and Eve. Jesus Christ served as our Liberator and our Redeemer, rescuing us from the bondage of sin, turning us from darkness to light, blotting out the note of our sin. In this redemptive grace, we do not have a license to sin, but we do have a responsibility to grow spiritually after we have been released from bondage. The Night to be Much Observed should become as sacred to us as it was to our forebears coming out of Egypt.

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