Sermonette: All We Need is Love ... And Godly Fear
Importance of Godly Fearing in Our Life
Bill Onisick
Given 26-Feb-11; 18 minutes
description: (hide) One of Satan's deceptions that under the New Covenant, all we need is love since the irksome law in the Old Testament is done away. Yet Jesus Christ is the God of the Old Testament and the New Testament, and changes not. The fear of the Lord and the keeping of the law have not been discarded. God's love is not exclusively a New Testament concept, nor is the fear of God exclusively an Old Testament concept. Both agape love and the fear of God are complementary, synergistic Old and New Testament principles. In the New Covenant, the stakes are much higher, requiring reverential fear and obedience of God's Law, which is an expression of our love for God.