Sermonette: Resistance
Clay in the Potter's Hands
David C. Grabbe
Given 18-Dec-10; 17 minutes
description: (hide) In Phillip Keller's book, A Layman's Look at the Lord's Prayer, Keller observes of an aged potter in the Middle East. The aged craftsman had crude tools, but he exuded abundant experience. Every work the potter touched he did affectionately, gently applying water to the pliable clay, occasionally removing pieces of grit. Occasionally he would have to discard a goblet in the making because the grit applied resistance, destroying the integrity of the goblet. The castaway goblet could be refashioned into a crude fingerbowl. Likewise, if we resist the Potter's fashioning, we may lose out on our opportunity to be a goblet and become a crude fingerbowl. When we resist God's will, we are asking to be devalued, having a purpose far inferior from our original intended purpose. We must trade our resistance for pliability, yielding to the shaping of the Master Potter, being transformed into God's image.