Sermonette: We Shall Be Like a Tree
Mike Ford (1955-2021)
Given 30-Sep-10; 16 minutes
description: (hide) In Revelation, the tree of life bears fruit every month for eternity and lines the streets of Jerusalem. The Bible uses the tree as a metaphor for many uses. The tree, representing a righteous man, is planted by water, bearing fruit, having leaves that do not wither, and will prosper. It will receive 90% of its nutrition from the air, growing from the top rather than the bottom, transpiring water into the air. They also absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Trees trap more of the sun's energy than any other organism. We grow spiritually by absorbing Holy Spirit, transpiring it into overcoming and good works. Trees do not generally die of old age, but theoretically live forever if protected from disease and insects. We are destined as spirit beings also to live forever. In Genesis and Revelation the tree of life figures prominently as a way of life, prefiguring our destiny of bearing fruit and living eternally.