Sermonette: Thankfulness for Righteous Judgment


Given 30-Sep-10; 17 minutes


playlist Go to the Feast of Tabernacles 2010 playlist

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The nations of Israel are totally corrupt, losing their precious freedoms to socialist governmental programs that redistribute wealth. The description in Isaiah 59:8-15 totally describes our nation, groping like blind men in the light of day. Hoarding gold and silver will be of little value in the midst of God's wrath. God is not interested in our wealth, but in our submission to Him. Our judgment on the church is right now, today. God judges righteously at all time and all His ways are just. Our offerings typify our gratitude for His justice and bountiful blessings. God desires that we be thankful at all times. Our offerings have to be given with pure motives, namely a contrite heart, giving ourselves as living sacrifices, given with meekness, humility, longsuffering, and love.

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