Sermonette: How to Avoid Compromise
Gilbert Boyer
Given 28-Sep-10; 20 minutes
description: (hide) We can risk spiritual death by compromise. Satan wants us to cave in to peer pressure from the world, pulling us away from God's law. Compromise leads to sin. We need to be aware of the machinations of the enemy, and not wait until the enemy is right on us, as was the case with the 9-11 attack. Sadly, there were lots of early warnings which largely went ignored. When the WCG broke up in the early 1990s, there was much confusion as to where we go from there. We had the obligation to keep to the track, listening to the voice of the truth, refusing to compromise with the truth. Compromise with God's standards will lead to an erosion of faith and truth. If we cowardly do not want to make waves, going after a compromising "unity," we will endanger ourselves. If we have a craving to be accepted, we might be tempted to compromise God's truths for membership in a group which denigrates God's truth. King Josiah's untimely death was caused by an ill-advised treaty with a power alien to God. One seemingly minor compromise may destroy a lifetime's character. If we find ourselves compromising, we have the obligation to rekindle our relationship with God, reading His Word, and repenting of our sins. We must then recommit our lives to God and His truth.