Sermonette: Exhort One Another Daily


Given 27-Sep-10; 14 minutes


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After Herbert W. Armstrong's death, the phrase "we are family" was used so often by the new regime that it almost lost its usefulness. Nevertheless, in our scattered state, we are still family, but at this time we need to exhort one another to stay firm in the faith. Satan hates the family of God and wants to kill us. Consequently we need to encourage and exhort one another to stand firm realizing that the spiritual roller coaster ride will not last forever. We can also encourage each other by listening and then protecting those things spoken to us in confidence. We should be strengthening those who are spiritually immature, diplomatically warning those who are unruly. As John Donne once stated, no man is an island- isolated from one another. We are the family of God.

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