Sermonette: The Hebrew God IS God!
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego Walk Through the Fire
Ted E. Bowling
Given 21-Aug-10; 15 minutes
description: (hide) Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego, and Belteshazzar, descendants of King Hezekiah, were made eunuchs to serve in the Babylonian royal court. These men maintained their loyalty to God in spite of strict commands to honor the Babylonian obelisk. As a result of passing this test, they became a sterling witness to the Babylonian hierarchy, at that time the most powerful empire on the face of the earth. These men feared God more than mankind. When the most powerful men of the army died on the perimeter of the fire, these three men passed through the interior of the furnace unsinged. It was God, rather than Babylon, that received praise. The account was written in Hebrew and Aramaic to provide a worldwide witness for all time.