Sermonette: A Spiritual Lens
Life Learing From Our Visual Memories
Bill Onisick
Given 31-Jul-10; 17 minutes
description: (hide) A picture may be worth a thousand words, but what we see in a picture is filtered through our experiences and may emphasize special needs and concerns. A photographer uses special lenses to emphasize certain aspects and de-emphasize other aspects. What do we consider important in our collection or album of key memories in the development of our spiritual life? Perhaps, we have a section on trials and mistakes we have made and lessons learned. As we mature, we should find evidence of God's working in our lives in both good and bad events. We may have an image of our calling and our baptism. As we focus upon the image of Christ, we are transformed into His likeness. David frequently meditated on his past trials, reflecting on God's intervention in his life. As we work on our photo-journal of images, we need to make sure we do not miss the lessons God is teaching us, steering us into a transformation to His image and likeness.