Sermonette: Israel and Our Ancestors

Stiff Necks

Given 17-Jul-10; 25 minutes


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Who would we like to choose as our ancestors? The children of Israel claim 'stiff-necked' as a family trait—dense, hard-hearted, stubborn, intractable, impudent, and unwilling to follow God's lead. We are admonished to take responsibility rearing our children, or Satan will gladly assume the responsibility. Saul evidently, even though he initially displayed humility, fell under the sway of the family traits of impatience, pride and presumptuousness, leading to a downward spiral of self-aggrandizement and disobedience to God. Saul had to learn that obedience is better than sacrifice and that rebellion was worse than witchcraft. Perhaps Saul's desire to be liked by the people led to his demise. Jonathan had Saul's early humility, along with an ardent love of God. Though we may have been born in a sinful family, God can adopt us and reinforce our good family traits.

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