Sermonette: Preparing for the Wedding
Why Preparation is Important
Ryan McClure
Given 12-Jun-10; 15 minutes
description: (hide) Public speaking ranks at the top of the list of phobias, but thorough preparation will mitigate its effect. We need to make thorough preparations for the coming marriage of the Lamb. When Christ returns, most of the world will be caught unaware. We must emulate the wise virgins who made thorough preparations in terms of storing enough oil (symbolic of God's Holy Spirit). The virgins knew the Bridegroom was coming even though He seemed to delay His coming. We should prepare so that His second coming will not surprise us. We need to develop an intimate relationship with our affianced bridegroom, praying, meditating, studying, submitting to His will, and fasting so that the marriage relationship will be successful, lasting, and secure.