Sermonette: The Heart of a Leader
King David in the Proverbs
David C. Grabbe
Given 29-May-10; 17 minutes
description: (hide) Solomon's Proverbs were shaped by his father's experiences, leadership, and wisdom. King David was known for his equity and even-handed justice. Although David was known for his martial skills, he was more known for his inward qualities—his heart which inspired God to say, "He is a man after My own heart." David learned his leadership capacities by serving as a shepherd, learning to "lead" rather than "drive" his wooly charges. Saul was in charge, but he had very poor leadership qualities. Instead of acting carnally and in vengeance, David exercised forbearance and mercy upon Saul when he could have killed him. He did not tolerate revenge, bribery, and chicanery. David also exercised mercy, loving-kindness, and benevolence to the poor and the lame. We need to learn to emulate these qualities.