Sermonette: Generosity, Works, and Rewards
There is a Payoff
John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)
Given 23-May-10; 21 minutes
description: (hide) Works have been denigrated in modern Christendom, with flagging attendance in many churches throughout England. Proponents of "grace-oriented" Protestantism feel that doing something with rewards for motivation taints their Christianity. The "no works" advocates do not factor into the equation that the Father and the Son work (John 5:17). Works done at this time will have a long-term consequence for the future. Paul instructs Timothy to encourage his congregation in good works (service and giving) in order to attain a better quality eternal life in the future. Every church member has been gifted to serve the church in some fashion; each person should use these gifts mightily as an investment in the future. As the twig is bent, so grows the tree. We must make the best use of our resources before time slips away.