Sermonette: Spring Holy Days, Overview

Passover & NTBMO & FOUB overview

Given 06-Mar-10; 17 minutes


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The Passover is an annual event in which possibly over 3,600,000 Egyptian firstborn were destroyed, while the firstborn of Israel were spared if the blood of lambs was placed on the door post. This lamb's blood anticipated the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the Israel of God and all of humanity. The Night to Be Much Observed was to be kept one night later, commencing a week of eating unleavened bread, symbolizing the Exodus from Egypt, a time when the children of Israel had to leave in haste. The Days of Unleavened Bread, commemorating the Exodus, anticipating the conquest of Jericho, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, symbolizes removing sin from our lives as we remove the physical leavening.

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