Sermonette: Why Did God Command Israel to Go to War?

Exercising Lawful Civil Authority

Given 08-Aug-09; 17 minutes


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Many people assume the God of the Old Testament, who instructed the destruction of the Canaanites, and the God of the New Testament must be two completely different individuals. The original command to drive the Hivites, Canaanites, and Jebusites demanded that Israel play a part in the process of driving them out, assuring them that if they were obedient, God would help them, but if they did not the process would become harder. Nevertheless, God intended to drive out the idolatrous demon worshipping inhabitants with force, smiting them and executing them if they resisted. God intended that the physical leadership of Israel bear God's sword of justice, executing justice and His wrath upon those who are unrepentant within their own borders.

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