Sermonette: Nothing but Dust
Maintaining a Godly Perspective
Bill Onisick
Given 07-Feb-09; 17 minutes
description: (hide) The ailing economy and the global economic collapse has spawned a rash of lay-offs, along with anxiety and depression. Love for the world may exacerbate these problems. The loss of physical things has led to a rash of suicides. As the recession has worsened, it has been hard not to be anxious or depressed about the economic conditions. Only by having a proper perspective on the world, realizing that the lust of the eyes, the love of the world, and the pride of life bring only short-lived contentment as long as the ravenous beast of get is fed, do we realize that long-term contentment can only be attained by setting our heart on long-term spiritual things. Abundant life is not measured by material physical things, whether in automobiles, homes, or entertainment centers, which are simply big piles of dust. Abundant life is only ensured as we seek God and His Kingdom, exceedingly more valuable more than a mere pile of dust. Throughout the current economic trouble we must keep a proper perspective.